Unbelievable, i really go sing K with my dAd~!!! If i tell my friend, who will believe it? Most of my previous friends knew that my relationship with my dad was not as good as we will talk. But ever since i went to university and move out from my house, i can feel the changes between our relationship.
My dad start expressing his caring toward me and i am gradually accepted my dad AGAIN... My dad didn't do any wrong to this family, just that when i was kid, maybe i used to be a naughty girl, thus he will treat me very fierce. This cause me had a very scare feeling to him. I used to not chat with him, everything that should ask permission for, i leave it for my mom. However, things does change. When i move out, my dad only get to see me every weekend only, i think that cause him started to treat me with more daring care. I said daring care as he did care about me, just not willingly express it out. Now, he is more daring. ^^
I used to go sing k with him at his "oldies" karaoke place, now his turn singing k with me at green box. I am truly happy about it. My friends say they never expected my dad will so INTO teenager's world. But i guess he is more "teenager" that i do.
We even have our buffet dinner there. haha~
Btw, my dad love to sing and he say he welcome any of my friends to come along. Don't know who else want to sing with him, haha
Aiyo, advertise for my dad so much, now my own photo can a? Enjoy my day... But it is really very tiring... I sing till i lost my voice today... Worth for it...
Enjoy every moment of your life... Sad moment will past by replacing some new happy experience... I do believe it. Stay strong, chloe... And all my friends~